How Family Stories Through Art Came to Be

I taught art in public school for twenty-seven years. In 2011, I was named Massachusetts Art Educator of the Year. I truly believe we are all artists, that creativity is inherent in what it is to be human, and that everyone’s story is worthy to be told.

I was trained in art and literature-based writing at the University of New Hampshire by Beth Olshansky. All the research using this model has been based on work with children, but when I became a teacher trainer, I could see the adults were just as successful and pleased with their results as the children. So I decided then and there, children should not have all the fun-adults needed this model too! I especially had in mind adults who might not have been successful in traditional school or adults who might feel they have no artistic ability. I use collage, a very forgiving and flexible art form where no previous art experience is necessary. By creating the art first, the scene is set for the writing to follow.

I grew up hearing my mother regret the questions she never asked her parents. I determined not to have those regrets myself if I could help it. I began by interviewing my parents and relatives and making collages of their stories, then added writing. I share these same techniques with adult students in my workshops, Family Stories though Art, which I began in 2012. After following the research being done at Emory University on the value of children knowing their family history, I am even more determined to encourage people to ask questions, collect family stories and tell their own stories.

I help students of all ages and abilities to use art to lead writing and to preserve their family. I have held workshops summers at Chautauqua Institution, and at schools, continuing education centers, art centers, bookstores, senior centers, teen centers, assisted living facilities and people’s homes.

No matter where I have been or what age group I have been working with, the results have been amazingly positive. Everyone has stories, beautiful, sad, funny and sometimes all of the above. A few elderly with Parkinson’s have needed help cutting and gluing and some English-language learners have needed to have me scribe for them, but Family Stories Through Art has had 100% success rate in all workshops for participation, product, and positive feedback.

I am available to teach, to consult, but I also want to make these workshops and materials available to all. I only ask if you use something that I have developed, you credit Family Stories through Art.