Write Down the Little Stories Too

Sharon Briner Santillo

1/31/20251 min read

You know the little day to day stories that you think you always will remember? We will remember some, but many will be lost if we don’t write them down.

I am back home after staying with two of my grandchildren while their parents had to travel. The older will be a senior next year and already, he can’t wait. He is done with high school. And younger brother is already planning to take over his brother's spaces in the house! But I was reminded of this story that I had written down many years ago. It is an 'overheard in the backseat' story.

When younger brother was in kindergarten, he was in a separate building on a different street, but in first-grade, he was in the main school building. One day when I picked up both boys, the younger said to the older, “I saw you at recess today. Maybe when we are in college, we can meet at recess.”

“There is no recess in college,” replied big brother. “You just go to classes.”

The younger boy was quiet, digesting this bit of information, then he asked, “How do you get picked for college? If we stand together in line, can we get picked for the same college?” His brother had to burst this bubble too. He explained that he would be going away to one college and his brother would probably be going to a different college.

The young one was quiet again. Then he said, “I am going to miss you a lot. I am probably going to call you every day.”

And clearly, what is the purpose of college if it doesn't even have recess?